Use "grantor|grantors" in a sentence

1. Assignor: See: contributor , donor , feoffor , grantor , licensor , transferor

2. Provincial grantor super super super multi.

3. Zhuofu people: to track grantor , who also encumbered.

4. In the refrigerator, the watermelon rot grantor disgusting smell.

5. The reversion rule designates a remainder in the heirs of the grantor or testator.

6. The seller or grantor Conveys the property with certain covenants or warranties

7. The grantee typically Conveys title to the grantor by means of a deed

8. A grantor trust, in contrast, grants investors proportional ownership in the underlying securities.

9. Some grantors may have geographical qualifications, restricting requests for grant applications to a given city, or state or regional district.

10. The Department will not issue an Acquittance for a grantor trust under any circumstances

11. In some cases, the control is absolute and any disposition by the grantor is prevented.

12. A foreign partnership, a foreign simple trust, or a foreign grantor trust (see instructions for exceptions).

13. Goodwill assignee, meeting the statutory requirements, can also be obtained ownership, even if the grantor punishment.

14. A donor therefore cannot Allocate GST exemption to a grantor retained annuity trust or qualified personal residence trust--where the trust property is included in her gross estate if she dies before her retained interest in the trust terminates--until the estate tax inclusion period ends (when the grantor dies, a generation-skipping transfer occurs with respect to the property, or the grantor

15. In the absence of insolvency, the secured creditor would have to account to the grantor for the surplus proceeds

16. Any such payment to Beneficiary shall constitute payment to Grantor under the Leases, and Grantor hereby appoints Beneficiary as Grantor’s lawful attorney-in-fact for giving, and is hereby empowered to give, Acquittances to any tenants for such payments to Beneficiary after an Event of Default.

17. Any money expended to do so will typically either be paid in advance by the grantor or added to the secured obligation.

18. Any money expended to do so will typically either be paid in advance by the grantor or added to the secured obligation

19. The grantor requested two rulings regarding Completed gifts, and the IRS ruled that in both instances, the gifts weren’t complete for federal gift tax purposes.

20. Formerly each party to an indenture executed a separate deed; that part which was executed by the grantor was called the original, and the rest the Counterparts.

21. During 2020, did you receive a distriBution from, or were you the grantor of, or transferor to, a foreign trust? If “Yes,” you may have to file Form 3520

22. Formerly each party to an indenture executed a separate deed; that part which was executed by the grantor was called the original, and the rest the Counterparts

23. A Conveyance occurs when the owner of property, a grantor, uses words of Conveyance to transfer an interest in property to a grantee, the person receiving the property.

24. With an operating presence in 12 countries around the world, Areas offers a very broad range of food services designed to meet the expectations of both travelers and grantors in airports, railway stations and motorway service plazas.

25. Each covenant, made by an owner of land with the owner of other land or made by a grantor of land with the grantee of land conveyed, or made by the grantee of land conveyed with the grantor thereof, to do or refrain from doing some act on his own land, which doing or refraining is expressed to be for the benefit of the land of the Covenantee, runs with both the land owned by or granted to the

26. Grants of rents, or of reversions, or of remainders, are good and effectual without Attornments of the tenants, but no tenant, who before notice of the grant shall have paid rent to the grantor, must suffer any damage thereby.

27. Grants of rents, or of reversions, or remainders, shall be good and effectual without Attornments of the tenants; but no tenant who, before notice of the grant, shall have paid rent to the grantor shall suffer any damage thereby.

28. Grants of rents or of reversions or of remainders are good and effectual without Attornments of the tenants; but no tenant who, before notice of the grant, has paid rent to the grantor, must suffer any damage thereby.

29. Grants of rents or of reversions or of remainders are good and effectual without Attornments of the tenants; but no tenant who, before notice of the grant, shall have paid rent to the grantor, must suffer any damage thereby

30. To transfer title (official ownership) to real property (or an interest in real property) from one (grantor) to another (grantee) by a written deed (or an equivalent document such as a judgment of distribution which Conveys real property from an estate).

31. To transfer title (official ownership) to real property (or an interest in real property) from one (grantor) to another (grantee) by a written deed (or an equivalent document such as a judgment of distribution which Conveys real property from an estate)

32. Beginning 1776, thereby ratifying the capacity of Grantors, Bailors, and Beneficiaries of and to the governmental entities, now calling due the obligation of any and all actors claiming powers under the State of Washington in any of its disguises to serve The People, protect The Peoples' Praecipe to Justices Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6

33. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Alienor n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.: US (law: grantor of property): enajenante n común nombre común en cuanto al género: Sustantivo que tiene una sola forma para los dos géneros (humorista, comediante, músico).Cuando se trata de una persona o animal